Join the Lighthouse Member Program to receive weekly deals, a 5% discount every time you visit a dispensary, and gain VIP access to all Lighthouse events. As a Member, you will occasionally receive targeted text messages from us that will include custom specials, discounts, and private events.
Buy one edible and receive a 15% discount off of the second edible
Buy any cartridge and receive a 10% discount off of the second cartridge
Receive a 10% discount on all prepackaged flower
Receive a 10% discount on all concentrates (excluding cartridges)
Buy any preroll and get a 25% discount on a house preroll
*All discounted items must be of equal or lesser value than items purchased at full price*
To become a member, please fill out our online form or sign up during check-in at one of our locations.
Any information you provide will not be used for other commercial purposes and will not be sold, rented, leased, or forwarded to any third party. You may opt-out at any time from receiving text messages from Lighthouse.